Landscape your life
“Follow your passion. Don’t Settle for less. Do what you really want.”
Is this a professional message you’ve ever come across? Did you feel blocked when you tried putting it in practice? Many of us are trapped in professional lives that are not fulfilling, not because we’re afraid to pursue the dream, but because we’re confused about the dream.
In a world that is increasingly complex, how many of us are actually sure what we want? What if we’re after something original, and new? Or what if it falls out of the box, and we can feel it, but we don’t have the words to describe it?
Some of us might enjoy that state of ambiguity – but in a world that wants fast and simple answers, it’s at best uncomfortable. At worst, it’s reason enough to give up on what you want, and follow the first charismatic leader instead: not because they propose the best vision, or even a good one – simply to feel a bit less inadequate. Or you might simply go for safe, and end up as another cog in the corporate machine.
Taking an original path – let’s call it freedom – is impossible unless we’re willing to remain in a state of uncertainty, a state of temporary discomfort, until the right idea – your goal, your desire – emerges, and finds its proper shape. This demands a certain type of strength, a certain type of emotional and intellectual core muscle.
Landscape your life was designed specifically to build that muscle. This short coaching program offers a method to get in touch with your desire for the future, and a set of tools that you can use at your own pace to capture, refine and crystallise what you want your future professional life to be.
Landscape your life can be run as a 1-on-1 coaching, or an intimate sessions with two people, either over 4 sessions of 1h30, or over a half-day.
If you believe this program might benefit you, or somebody you know - please contact me!